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What is CyberBastion?
CyberBastion is a simulation game focused on building the most resilient cybersecurity system for an IT environment and effectively responding to various cyber threats. Each team is given a predefined budget, which can be increased during the game. Teams have access to security measures divided into eight categories (Organization, Physical Infrastructure, Entire Network, Network Perimeter, Internal Network, Endpoints, Applications, and Data). The security measures are scored differently based on their effectiveness in prevention (identification and protection) and response (detection, reaction, and recovery). The team that best prepares their organization for incidents wins the game.
Where can the CyberBastion game be used?
CyberBastion League
Compete against the best cybersecurity teams throughout the entire season of competitions! Teams are tasked with building a secure IT environment and responding to randomly selected or pre-determined cyberattacks.
CyberBastion is a learning experience in the form of gamification, based on the conscious and intentional use of game design mechanisms to activate, motivate, and engage a selected group of participants.
CyberBastion can serve as a foundation around which you can build an event program or be an excellent way to enhance it. Organizing competitions during conferences or business meetings allows for relationship building with participants.

CyberBastion guarantees team members' engagement, knowledge and experience sharing, brainstorming sessions, and great fun.
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